To celebrate 'World Book Day', students at Louisa's school were asked to dress up as their favourite book character today. Our little girl didn't have much of a choice since she only has 2 costumes - Little Mermaid and Bell from Beauty and the Beast. As it is still cold, we thought it wasn't a good idea to dress up as Little Mermaid with it's short skirt and strappy top. She could have worn a longsleeve T under and tights but that'd spoil the look. Luckily, she was happy to dress up as Belle. However, my vain girl didn't want to wear her vest underneath as she said it'd show and she wouldn't look nice. I managed to convince her I couldn't see it. Oh well, white lies are harmless. Anyway, when we reached school, her head teacher who was dressed up as Tigger, went hopping about at the school gate greeting parents and pupils. Next, it was the caretaker who was dressed up as a goblin, complete with a small net and glass bottle pretending to catch children and imprison them in it. All the staff dressed up too. There were Noddy, Bob the Builder, Tinkerbell and Wendy from Peter Pan and many others. Almost all the students dressed up.....Incredible Hulk, Woody, Sulley, Pirate, Spiderman, Superman etc etc. There were many Snow Whites, Sleeping Beauties and Cinderellas too. I'm sure they had lots of fun!

Louisa in her Belle gown (X'mas Edition) with Mrs Galpin, her head teacher.
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