Friday, 11 May 2007

Nasty Cold or Hayfever?

I can finally breathe properly today and stop blowing my nose every other minute. I started having a runny nose just after my mum left about 3 weeks ago. I don't usually like to take medication unless I feel like I'm dying. You see, I'm not very good with swallowing tablets. The capsules and tiny ones are OK but not the biggies like Panadols. I used to have to break them into 2 to take them (I can hear laughter). Adrian always boasts to me he can swallow a couple at one go with just a sip of water. No jerking back of head, nothing. I remember when I was in Primary 5/6, my GP started prescribing me 'adult medicine'. Sometimes I'd ask for the syrup form and when I was too embarrassed to do so, I'd throw my medicine into the sink and wash them away. No joke!

This episode of cold (or so I thought) was so bad (terrible headache too), I made myself ate 2 cold panadols a couple of times a day. I didn't break them into 2 but I still took them one at a time. I was so proud I announced to Adrian and he had a good laugh. The panadols took the headache away but my nose were constantly stuffed and runny. I'd suspected it could be hayfever since my eyes itched and were watery too.

The real scare happened 2 days ago. On my way to pick Louisa from school, my upper lips started to tingle and swelled a little. I could feel my throat getting dry and itchy, a really strange sensation. When I reached home, my lower lips started swelling too. What was scary was I felt my chest tightening and my heart rate climbing. I quickly googled for the symptoms of hayfever. All the symptoms matched except for the swelling of the lips. I hurriedly took an antihistamine, got the girls to watch some telly while I lay down to rest. Thankfully, about 1omin later, the symptoms started to clear. It had been raining these past few days so that helped the situation. I am now convinced I had hayfever and I don't think I'm going to do extensive gardening this year.