Wednesday 2 April 2008


Louisa came home today with an empty lunchbox and Lavigne finished up all her lunch too. So I told them they would get to eat ice-cream after dinner. I made my first oyako don. It was surprisingly very easy to cook. Louisa polished up everything in her bowl. Lavigne, who told me she was hungry while I was cooking, did her usual thing of playing, getting on and off her chair, talking non-stop and singing instead of eating her food properly. I reminded her repeatedly that she'd get her ice-cream only after she finished her dinner. She kept asking for more seaweed which I gave her each time she ate a spoonful of rice. Adrian came home. He ate his dinner and we were all waiting for her to finish. It was getting late so I scooped ice-cream for everyone. Of course Lavigne couldn't eat hers yet. Again, Louisa gobbled up everything in no time. The little one was in fact going to finish her dinner but she continued fooling around. Adrian then replaced her bowl with Louisa's empty one and pretended to have finished eating hers. Upon seeing that there was no more ice-cream left for her, she burst into tears. Adrian then quickly showed her the ice-cream. She continued crying. The girls had been coughing so they'd not eaten ice-cream for a long time. Now that they have recovered, it was such a treat for them to have ice-cream this evening. So Lavigne was very upset thinking that she was not going to have any. Her daddy, seeing that she had almost finished her food, told her she could eat her ice-cream. Like an on-off switch, she promptly stopped crying and asked, 'Did I finish (my dinner)?' All of us laughed. She smiled shyly and went on to eat her prized ice-cream.

*Oi! Can the hands on the clocks move slower?! *

Ice Cream


Tsu Lin + + said...

Awww... I can imagine what went through Lavigne's mind (I love ice-cream too much). My mom used to control my sugar intake (i hated her then for that, but thankful for it now - diabetes runs in the family. *sobs*) :(