Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Day 5

Unlike the past few days, I didn't go to the new house after dropping the girls at school. Managed to run some errands and did more packing. In the afternoon, I brought more cartons over and popped by John Lewis which is having a sale, hoping to get some roller blinds and curtain rails. Unfortunately, only a few items were on sale and they were not what I was looking for. Found something I like for my bedroom which was not on sale but the length that I wanted was out of stock. So it was a fruitless trip. Worse, I made a wrong turn and ended up in another town. Luckily I had left early and managed to get to Lavigne's school on time.

We went back to the new house after school as I needed to clear all things from the floor upstairs for the laying of carpet tomorrow. Then I realised I hadn't painted over the marks made on the ceiling whilst painting. That was neck breaking and up down the ladder repeatedly. Not fun at all. The good thing about painting before the new carpet is laid is that we don't have to worry about dirtying or dripping paint on the existing carpet. In fact, I didn't even lay anything on it. So that took the stress off.

I'm so glad I don't have to go back there this evening like I had been doing. A's on his way there with more stuff though. Good thing we didn't get the movers. We'd moved lots of things there ourselves everytime we go there. That saved us lots of money. I can't wait for the new carpet, especially the fitting of the vinyl in the toilet downstairs. The smell is unbelievable. The boys must have had lots of accidents in there. I'd wanted to open the door to air it but was afraid the whole house will smell horrid. So I just left it closed and forbade anyone from using it. Talking about which the thing I'm most happy with the house is there's 3 toilets. We have always survived with only a toilet in the houses we lived in. Total nightmare! I can't remember the number of times when the moment I sit on the throne, someone has to use it urgently too. Or when I'm bathing, I have company in there too. Soon, we'll have a choice of which one to use and not fighting over just one.

Update: A just got back and he's pleased with the upstairs. Phew! He's not been to the house since Sunday.