Thursday, 2 July 2009

Day 6

Very exciting day today which didn't start off very well. Woke up at 6am (again!). It gets bright at about 4+am in the morning and I don't have blackout curtains or blind in my room. We've been eating lots of takeaways (A bought roast meats rice from Chinatown last night which was really yummy. I was famished) so I thought I'll cook beef stew for dinner this evening. Made Lavigne's and A's packed lunches and he forgot to bring it with him, left it behind in the car. I had to ask my neighbour for some fridge space to put his lunch as we've not moved our own fridge over yet. Louisa took ages to eat her breakfast, both girls refused to get changed and we left the house really late. Then Lavigne realised her hat's not inside the car. A said he took it back into the house the night before but couldn't locate it. So she cried from home all the way to class. As if that wasn't bad enough. A forgot to top up petrol last night when I had asked him to and the red light was already lit up when I came home yesterday evening. He had gone to the new house and back. I was certain the car was going to stall halfway and I was so worried. Luckily we made it to school.

It's Louisa's school Sports Day today. They had brought forward the starting time due to the heat only yesterday and the carpet layers were supposed to be at the new house at the same time. So I had to miss half of the event.

I'm so pleased with the new carpet. They are very nice to walk on, unlike the previous ones which were flat as pancake. I also managed to get my blackout blinds and curtain rails today. There's going to be a viewing in the old house later on (the agent booked someone in on my move day even I had told him about the chaos). I can't keep the house neat and tidy for them now and I don't care. Will be packing up the remaining stuff in the kitchen and bring them over in the evening. I'm totally exhausted! I need a good break in Singapore.