Monday, 8 February 2010

Tall and short


I have a very tall fridge. It stands over 2m high. But I can't say so about myself as I belong to the petite category. I've had visitors who ask me (mostly men, hah!) how I reach the top shelves. My answer is a simple 'use a stool'. Truth is I seldom need to reach the topmost shelf. It's for jars of sauces and medicine which I don't use on a day-to-day basis. Oh the fridge looks full because I'd just gone to the supermarket.


I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. I am lactose intolerant. Milk and any milk products do not go down well with me. I get a bloated stomach and feel nauseous if I consume any. It used to make me wonder what was wrong with me. All the bloating and abdominal discomfort. Then I figured out everytime I have cheese or milk, I get the symptoms. Unfortunately, milk is found in so many products. So I still get one symptom or another on most days. Hence, I eat Activia yogurt to help combat it. It works quite well for me. Recently, I discovered Lactofree - a range of dairy products free of lactose. So far, I've only tried the milk which tastes just like the normal one. Sigh! I seem to have quite a few conditions.