I'd asked a friend to get this book for me from Taiwan when she went home for a holiday. It wasn't the content that interests me. I was drawn to the beautiful illustrations found in the book. When I was working for my dad years ago and had to travel to Taiwan on buying trips, I'd always thought that the Taiwanese are a creative lot. I loved their lifestyle shops. I liked their creative ways of writing Chinese characters. Over the past few months, I discovered several Zakka blogs written by talented Taiwanese. My style began to be influenced by them. The artist who did the illustrations of the book inspired me to get my pen and tablet. I'm really having fun drawing my own illustrations these days.
I totally agree!! I can spend a long time in their bookshops just browsing their beautiful illustration books (and not really understanding much although I have studied mandarin for 6 yrs! :P). I loved that guy who did "Look right look left" which was made into a movie.
PS : What kinda buying did you do?
We used to bring in Zakka products and gift and novelty items.
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