Outside my house 3

Can you spot something interesting about this rose?
It's the first bloom of this rose plant. A later bloomer I would say. The smell's heavenly though.
There's quite alot to be done in my front garden. Mow the lawn, tidy up the border edges, replant some flowers, reposition a few others. But I haven't had the time recently as I'd been preoccupied with other stuff. My last batch of photos where alot of the flowers have yet to bloom are still sitting in the harddisk waiting to be uploaded here. Now, it's a riot of colours out there. The petunias are doing really well but my violets are finally fading away which means they will soon need to be removed.
This is gorgeous! I'm dying of envy! It's cold and miserable down south now. :(
Keep warm and enjoy your cosy night-ins with your hubby! :)
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