Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Back to our other home (Part 2)

I spent the whole of yesterday unpacking, doing chores and reorganising some stuff - in a zombie state. The rain and grey skies didn't help. I felt really out of sorts. A friend who rang asked if I was alright. Oh no, I even sounded strange. The house also seemed to have shrunk. All the rooms looked so compact. That needed some getting used to. One other thing that bugged me was the girls like to leave things lying around the house. It drives me nuts everytime I see stuff gets left behind on the floor. My mum is very particular about tidiness (to a fault). So toys are always put away once they are not played with. But I refuse to be picking up after them all day long. I had to remind myself to take it easy, that it's fine the house is not tidy during the day so long as everything is put away at the end of each day and that it's okay if I can't finish all the tasks in one day. The lines on my face don't need anymore premature deepening. Also, I only have a pair of hands.

The girls woke at about 4.30am, came into our room and declared, 'We're feeling jetlagged.' But they were glad to come home to their toys. At 5-ish in the afternoon, the house was really quiet. I found the girls sleeping in their room. I let them have a little nap before waking them up for dinner. Lavigne went straight to bed after food but Louisa managed to stay awake till 9pm. But they still woke before 5am this morning. My days are so long.


Tsu Lin + + said...

The jetlag feeling will go away soon - and best of all, the sun is coming out again. Hooray!

*Hugs* Hope you feel happier now :)

Roslyn said...

I'm also not entirely sure if I'm jetlagged. Maybe I'm still trying to adjust to life back here.

Sun coming out? Where? The weather forecast for my area is grey cloud/light rain/heavy rain for the next 5 days. Can't even mow lawn and tidy up my garden.

We should meet up before the new term starts for us! Interested? Hub now working at Canary Wharf.

Tsu Lin + + said...

Oops, I thought I saw the forecast here saying it was sunny (maybe the past 2 days it was pretty sunny).

Yup, can meet during weekdays, if you can?!