Flowers, that is!
They're on the wallpaper in my bedroom, on the curtains in the study, on the seat pads in the kitchen, fresh blossoms, artificial ones are scattered throughout the house. My youngest sis calls me Miss Huay. You can tell from this post and this entry too.
Not only do I like to be surrounded by them, I like taking photographs of them too!
These were taken during a walk and the flowers were several feet away from me. Thanks to my camera's 20X zoom lens, I was able to get some good shots. I don't always have a steady hand so it's quite surprising that they turned out rather sharp. I think I did well by holding my breath.

Oh yes, I know I'm not blogging regularly lately. Reason will be revealed in the next post. Till then, hope you're enjoying good weather, wherever you are. Unlike here which is wet and cold!
Those looks like orchids. What are they? Lovely!
I have no idea. I guess they are wild flowers.
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