Thursday, 16 December 2010

Virus, virus go away!

I'm having a terrible cold at the moment and it's the 7th day and counting.  It started on the morning of our annual Christmas Lunch but the runny nose hadn't developed yet so I was able to taste the food.  However after that, it was downhill all the way.  I had way too much food and plus my dairy intake, I was so uncomfortable for the rest of the day.  I wonder how people can stomach 3 course-meals on a regular basis.      I couldn't even finish my pudding.

Anyhow, I spent the whole of last weekend in bed except to make meals for the family and attend a children party on Sunday.  Temperature soared and I rummaged through my medicine box for miracle pills.  The one that worked best for me was Actifast Panadol.  That had since run out and I'm relying on Ibuprofen for the time being.

I've lost count the number of tissues I'd used.  Thankfully, A gave me packs of wonder tissue which don't irritate the skin and make it sore.  I forgot to bring it with me to work yesterday and had to rely on what was available.  After a few blows, my nose became really red and sore.  Yes, there's really a difference.  Anyone needs to hire a red-nose reindeer?

Since last Friday, my best mates had been my bed and tissues.  I'd never slept so much in a week.  With the head pounding and feeling drowsy and so unwell, all I wanted to do was to be in bed.  The coughing is keeping me up at night.  I can't breathe through my bunked up nose so I have to breathe through my mouth instead.  In doing so, my throat gets really dry and irritated and I start to cough.  It goes in circles throughout the night until the medication kicks in and the nose gets decongested and I can breathe normally again.

We're one day away from a Christmas party.  I want to be well enough to join in all the revelry.  That is if we don't get snowed in.  That, is another matter altogether.    


Kelly said...

hi ros
hope u recover in time 4 e xmas party.

Roslyn said...

Thanks, Kel! Still coughing away and can't taste my food totally.

Saggs said...

Get better soooooooon! Christmas parties will not be the same without those trusty tastebuds! Hugs and kisses!!! Keep warm! xx

Teng said...

Feeling better? Take care if yourself.