Monday, 8 February 2010

Tall and short


I have a very tall fridge. It stands over 2m high. But I can't say so about myself as I belong to the petite category. I've had visitors who ask me (mostly men, hah!) how I reach the top shelves. My answer is a simple 'use a stool'. Truth is I seldom need to reach the topmost shelf. It's for jars of sauces and medicine which I don't use on a day-to-day basis. Oh the fridge looks full because I'd just gone to the supermarket.


I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. I am lactose intolerant. Milk and any milk products do not go down well with me. I get a bloated stomach and feel nauseous if I consume any. It used to make me wonder what was wrong with me. All the bloating and abdominal discomfort. Then I figured out everytime I have cheese or milk, I get the symptoms. Unfortunately, milk is found in so many products. So I still get one symptom or another on most days. Hence, I eat Activia yogurt to help combat it. It works quite well for me. Recently, I discovered Lactofree - a range of dairy products free of lactose. So far, I've only tried the milk which tastes just like the normal one. Sigh! I seem to have quite a few conditions.


Snowday 080210

I wasn't expecting any snow today but it came down on and off the whole day. Strangely, it didn't settle which I'm really glad. You know what I'm like when it snows and I have to drive. So I actually enjoyed the snowfall today. I spent the whole day doing housework and it was nice looking out of the window to see the white fluffs. Previously, I'd be worrying about the school run but I guess it wasn't cold enough for the snow to settle on the ground. Just checked the weather forecast and (gasps) there'll be heavy snowfall on Wednesday. No good! No good at all!

Saturday, 6 February 2010


I first signed up for it a year ago. But it was cancelled due to heavy snowfall. Then I had to miss the second one as I was in the midst of moving home. Third time lucky. I attended the course on two consecutive Saturdays and today, I'm a qualified first-aider. I had been dreading attending the course, not because of what it encompasses but because it takes place on two Saturdays from 9.30am to 4pm. That pretty much burns up half my weekend. However, I took comfort that it was conducted at a school just five minutes walk from where I live. When I first stepped into the room, I saw that the instructor was of pension age. No offence here and I admit I was biased as I wondered if the class would be boring even though he was a Sean Connery lookalike. But surprise surprise! He was really entertaining and affable (cheeky too!) who conducted the class in a lighthearted manner. The days didn't drag on. At the end of the first Saturday, I was very pleased with what I had learnt, in particular, how to treat a person who is choking. I had witnessed 2 choking incidents in the past 2 months. An interesting point is we're not allowed to give our colleagues any medication (eg. paracetamol) when they ask us in case we kill them. I have asked my colleagues for some before (they gave me) and they had asked me too. So next time when they ask me again, I'll have to tell them, 'I'm sorry I can't in case I kill you.'

The only thing I wasn't looking forward to today was the written test. I had to read a book cover to cover. There were questions in the book and some were quite challenging. I worried if I could remember everything. Then the instructor told us today that it's a multiple-choice test. Cheh! I thought to myself. I had studied too much but it was for my own good and knowledge. Most of us got 100%. I have now gained the ability to respond to an emergency, illness or injury. Like the instructor had said, we would most likely not perform most of the things we had learnt and I certainly hope I won't ever need to. At least I'm trained should the need arises.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

New Look

Unveiling the new look of my blog! Some of you may say this is 'not quite me'. I have to agree. It is a rather minimalist look. But I've decided to adopt a simpler header so as not to overshadow the layouts in my posts. To be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely pleased with the look. I'll continue to tweak it. For all you know, I may revert back to a more fussy one.