Thursday 4 October 2007

Can't say 'No'

Now's Thursday night and Lavigne's party is in 3 days. I'm almost done with the goodie bags, shopping for food and other preparation. Then I received a call. One of her schoolmate's mum rang me and asked if it's still alright for her son to come. My answer? 'Of course he can! If he's interested and keen to come, yes, please do.' How can I possibly say 'no' to her? I certainly don't want to disappoint a little boy. Furthermore, any parent may think it's just one extra person so it won't make a lot of difference to the preparation. But! I had only taken into account the confirmed list of guests coming when making the goodie bags and stuff. I didn't make many extras, only one(!!!). My intention was to prepare 2 or 3 other extras (just a simple bag with some treats) for siblings of guests who may turn up. Now that all my 20 goodie bags are taken up, I have no extras for even one guest who may turn up without RSVP. Adrian was asking me today if anymore are coming since there were a couple who had only confirmed they are coming recently. I was thinking it was not likely since it's so close to the date. Apparently in UK, the traditional party is for parents to leave the children behind and they will pick them up when it ends. But I thought 3-4yr olds are still quite young so I encouraged parents to stay. Some parents will be bringing their other children, some are bringing spouse. I really hope I'll pull through this one. On a brighter note, the weather forecast for Sunday is quite good. Hope it stays that way. 2 Singaporean families are coming (fab!) all the way from London. One I know and have met before, the other's an online friend. Isn't Internet a wonderful thing?


Saggs said...

20 goodybags = 20 kids coming?!!! I kowtow to you, Roslyn. I had 14 kids at Danielle's 3rd bday party and already I thot it was too many! Hahahahaa!

And ahem, I'm proud to be the invited 'online friend'. Heh heh.

See u Sunday :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Lavigne!! Ur party plans sounds grand!! Really peifu... :)

Eileen Liu Kim Ying said...

i am sure the Birthday Party will be so full of fun , no kids would want to go home so soon.


ya internet is a wonderful thing, bring ppl ( sometimes strangers ) closer to each other.

i have been struggling whether or not to renew my internet subscription which is due to expire in Nov 07.

Singnet called me up with a offer of $30.50 per mth and 2 mths fees waived off if i renew.

Faith is going to pre-sch next yr. if i applied for subsidised fees and application did not get approved, i would be paying like $70 per mth for the fees.

having internet was very helpful , especially in those months after i have given birth and my career was not stable i changed 6-7 jobs in 1 yr time and i had to search for jobs online.

now that i have been in this job for 1 yr and i love this job and have great colleagues and the co is a MNC which offer good benefits and reasonable pay but we have been going through some rough time since July 07 due to Operation issues and generally not doing well, i wonder if i will be retrenched and had to start looking for jobs again.

sigh... tough decision to make.

nowadays, hardly have the energy to log in at night after work.

think i will take a gamble and not renew.

if suay suay kanna retrenched, then i worry abt it when it happens.

Lily Ann said...

Happy Birthday to Lavigne! I'm sure she will enjoy the party put together by her loving mummy.
And message to the mummy : you'll be exhausted! But worth it!

Roslyn said...

Thanks Ladies for all the well wishes!