Wednesday, 5 December 2007

School Summary report for Lavigne

It comes as a surprise to me when I received the school report for Lavigne today. Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with her behaviour or performance but surely it can't be all 100% positive. Yes, I am happy nonetheless but I wonder if it's really that perfect. Anyway, below is the report.
Lavigne has settled in really quickly and she enjoys her time at school. She is a very confident girl and likes to socialise with the other children. She has made good friends with Jamie who started school with her and they enjoy working together. She also copes well with the morning session.

She has very good language skills for a girl of her age and likes to chat to the teachers. She is always very attentive during circle time and is happy to participate. Lavigne also enjoys music and dancing.

Lavigne is very independent in choosing her own work and is always keen to learn new activities.

She loves spending time in the creative classroom working with play dough and shows good dexterity in rolling, cutting and making shapes. She also enjoys painting and glueing.

Lavigne is very interested in the sensorial material. She is very able working with the knobbed cyclinders, broad stairs and has progressed to the knobless cyclinders. She is very good at recognising and drawing shpaes when using the insets.

She is confident with a lot of practical life activities such as cutting, pouring and spooning.

Lavigne likes to spend time outdoors and she has good physical abilities. She enjoys chasing her friends in the garden and using our new climbing frame.