One big and one cabin size luggage, 2 small trolley bags for the girls and one handbag for myself. They are packed and we're good to go. Oh yes, my dad's parasol too (Rang him to ask if he wants it. He said yes. Though it won't be a surprise anymore, at least I know he wants it and I won't get a 'scolding' from him). The house is neat and tidy. Just one last load of washing to be hung out to dry. 98% of the chores on my list are completed and ticked. So why am I feeling we're not ready to leave? It just doesn't seem right. I must be missing something. Not packed something. Not done something. But I've checked my list over and over again. Adrian said the reason is because I'd finished everything early so I'm actually more than ready. Usually, I'll still be running about in the house trying to complete my tasks and packing at this time. But hey they're almost all done (only left with cooking and freezing meals for Adrian and checking the X'mas cards for Louisa's classmates and teachers)! I am surprised at how organised I am (I'm usually the opposite). So there you go, I'm not a gone case afterall.
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