Friday 13 February 2009

Life's lesson

Now I understand when people say you see one's true colours during times of trial. The same goes with the Chinese proverb 'offering charcoal in time of snow'. Those who come forward and offer help when you least expect it and the ones who do the least when you expect the most. Makes me reassess who is worth keeping and who isn't.
Oh yes and today marks the first day of my 12th year of marriage.


Saggs said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Congrats on a dozen years of marital bliss!

Roslyn said...

Thanks, sweets!

M said...

Happy Anniversary! :)
And Congrats on the photo competition! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, 12 years, happy anniversary! A and I BOTH totally forgot ours in January and remembered only a few days ago. How horrific of us!
