It was a hot sunny afternoon during the half-term. I brought the girls to a garden centre recommended by C. My intention wasn't to go there to buy plants. There's a miniature steam rail and animal farm so I thought it'd be fun for them.

When we got there, I was surprised by the size of the place. They sell things from houseware and gifts to clothing and much more. We spent quite a while browsing at the book section and managed to get some great bargains.

I have never seen the plant above and was horrified when I googled the one below. For some 'interesting' youtube viewing, click here. It makes a good houseplant for those who want to get rid of houseflies and mosquitos though.

Since the place is huge and the weather so hot, we didn't manage to see everything. Louisa said 'mummy, I'm dying in the heat'. Lavigne said 'we'll melting!'. At least the air is dry unlike humid Singapore. We didn't feel sticky at the end of the day. That's the good thing about the hot weather in UK (if we do get any). The days may be hot but the nights are cool like air-con.

I really like these unusual looking red flowers.
I'm so glad to have found this place because I really missed Long Acres. But I think Van Hage Garden Centre is even bigger and better! Furthermore, it's much nearer. A great discovery indeed!
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