Wednesday, 23 June 2010

World Cup

Are you hit by the World Cup fever?

Today, England played against Slovenia. At 3pm. It's a time when most people are at work and parents doing the school run.

Some schools dismissed the pupils earlier so that they could be home to watch the match. My boss got us to tidy up earlier than usual and ensured all would leave by 3pm. She switched off all lights even before all the children were picked up by their parents. One colleague said England should play more often.

Some companies let their employees watch the game in the office. Better for them to stop work for 1hr 45min than for them to not report for work at all. A watched it with his colleagues.

When the match was on, there were hardly any cars on the roads. Mainly parents doing the school run (like me) I suppose. Then we had to go to the supermarket as my fridge's nearly empty. I had anticipated an easy shop since it should be deserted and I was right! The carpark was rather empty and there weren't queues at the tills.

After shopping, we rushed home and caught the last 10 minutes of the match. I didn't unpack the bags of shopping and sat down with the girls to watch England play.

Thank God they won.


Kelly said...

Me very happy tat they won too.
though i dun tik they'll enter e finals, imagine they do...whole england comes 2 a standstill?