I first saw this book at Kinokuniya during my last trip to Singapore. That's a MUST-GO place for me every time I go back. But I have to say, books are relatively more expensive in Singapore than in UK. Weight is another issue. At nearly 500 pages, this hardcover book is pretty heavy too.
So I noted down the ISBN number, went home and searched for it at Amazon. At £14.73 (about S$30), it is way cheaper than the store's S$45.
It arrived today. Not only is it good for me to browse for ideas, it will look good on my coffee table too!
Next time if you want your books in Spore, you can order from Book Depository and they deliver free worldwide. And I have a coupon for 10% discount too.
I wonder how it looks inside? I do want an ID book to give me ideas in the future :)
Thanks! Just checked the website, their books are about the same price as amazon. But like you say, they offer free delivery worldwide. That's fab!
If you like very modern and minimalist look, the book's not for you. It's more the classic type. But you can 'look inside' over at Amazon. Or if you come visit me, you can look through the whole book!
I LOVE this book, especially the front picture. It's chock full of lovely rooms...will have to browse through it next time I come over. Good buy!
Val: You've seen this book too? I can bring it to you the next time I see you. I always borrow from your library remember?
Yes, please, please bring it over! The cover is the picture I had on my phone, and you said you liked the chairs too if you remember, haha.
Oh my goodness! YES! Now that you'd mentioned it, I looked and indeed so! How could I not know when you showed it to me when I had wanted to buy the book all these while?
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