Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Speaking Mandarin

Mandarin speaking

We were at a Japanese restaurant. A wanted to test Louisa. So he said 'The big one is very naughty' in mandarin.

Guess what happened next?

Louisa replied 'The small one is more naughty!' in perfect mandarin!

Both of us burst out laughing.

Not to be outdone, Lavigne pointed her finger at A and said '你很皮!'

Oh my parents are going to be very happy!


Tsu Lin + + said...

Hehe!! Yayy.. good job, parents! That's really out-of-the-blue isn't it? Do you & A converse in mandarin sometimes?

SW has also been telling me "Bu Yao!" when I ask her to do something. And although she can sing a few mandarin songs, I doubt she knows what it actually means. But, still a good effort.

Roslyn said...

Hahahah! A and I do converse in Mandarin. So I guess she must have picked it up from us. She understands more than she speaks. Lavigne learnt '你很皮!' from my dad.

Teng said...

So funny!!!

kelly said...

Ros, I had a very good laugh looking at ur drawing.