Yesterday the sun was shining brightly. I had 2 choices - wash the car (bleh!) or do something I like. You guessed it. I chose the latter. It was a lovely day to make a trip to the garden centre. Not just any local garden centre but one which is about 20min drive away. If you'd been following my blog, I'd written about it being a super garden centre for it sells all kinds of things apart from food. So not only was I able to check out some plants, I could do some photography too. That's killing two birds with one stone. Perfect! That's my therapy.

I know in Singapore, many stores frown upon photography. I'd taken photographs at the centre before and no one bat an eyelid then. Still, I was a little apprehensive about whipping my camera out.

It's called a garden centre no doubt but the household department is really amazing. The range is just fabulous. From French Design to modern, vintage to shabby chic. I can do my Christmas shopping here.

There were so many temptations but I resisted them all. Well done me! Why? I planned to get a few plants so I just had to stop myself from putting things into my trolley.

Nevertheless, I still snapped quite alot of photos. No one stopped me. I just got some curious looks from shoppers.

When I stepped outside to the main plant area, the sky turned dark. Shortly after, the heavens opened and it poured!
The shops are selling Christmas' stuff! I'm not ready for it. In my mind, Christmas came and past not too long ago. For some reasons, unlike previous years, I'm not looking forward to all the festivities. But still, looking at those unbelievably pretty and gorgeous ornaments, I couldn't help but smile.

Despite the downpour, I got my photos and my plants. I am a happy bunny. Now, time for some serious digging!
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