I've always loved books since I was young. One of my cousins gave me a humongous fairytale book when I was about eight. The illustration was beautiful. I remember lending it to my neighbour and her little sister scribbled in it. I was pretty upset by it.
Then there were book sale days at my primary school tuckshop. I would go through the booklist that was given out a few days before and then ask my dad for money to buy. Without fail, my choice was always Enid Blyton books. The Magic Faraway Tree....The Enchanted Wood....love, love them!

These days, I buy mostly recipe books and home interior ones. When I went to Taiwan last month, Elite Bookstore was on my hit list. Similar to Kinokuniya, I could spend hours in there. One of my sisters didn't understand how I could spend such a long time browsing books. Too bad I had only about 2 hours to spare.

Regretfully, I didn't have time to go to the Lifestyle section. But I did get to read lots of landscaping and gardening books at the B&B I stayed at in Hualien though.
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