This is the view I get when I sit on my bed and look out of the window. It's also what I see when I look out of my study. We're very lucky to live right next to a green belt. Every time I look out there, I can forget about all stress and worries, even if it's just for those few moments. This view is something I'll be very sad to leave behind should we leave one day.
Whenever I look out there, I can't help but wonder if I'll be used to life back in Singapore. Not that we are moving back in the foreseeable future but just a thought. Having lived here for 6.5 years, I've settled down to a simple and quiet life of looking after my own little family while holding down a part-time job and doing things I enjoy doing like gardening. Living my life, living our lives as a family unit. Will these remain the same when we move back? I very much doubt it. All the hustle bustle; all the commitments of who to see and meet every so often that I have no time to do what I really want; having my private space invaded; feeling claustrophobic - all that of city living.
I think I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Meanwhile I'll just enjoy what I have now and be thankful for it.
You're right, sometimes I do ponder how life would be if we are not here. Somehow, despite the down-side of living here (no maids/family to help out with babysitting, less friends around), life in general isn't all that bad. Like you said, it is nice to settle down to a quiet life, looking after our own little families. Just enjoy the moment!
If I were you, I would never want to leave the view you had there.. gorgeous space, Ros!
Seems we've swapped places - I'm a Brit in Singapore. I'm missing my UK garden so much (see http://littlemacaroon.blogspot.com/2011/07/what-i-think-about-when-i-think-about.html)
Your photos are beautiful.
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