Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Manual vs Auto Focus

My camera

I finally bought my first DSLR a few months ago. It had been a long consideration before I took the plunge. Have I looked back since? Not at all.

My first photos using this camera was taken using 'Auto focus' mode. But I couldn't achieve the look I want and at times they were not in focus (I know, ironic) but perhaps that's because I didn't set the speed properly.

Anyhow, I am now shooting in 'Manual focus' mode. A few days ago at a wedding, the official photographer took my camera to take a photo of my family with the bride and groom. He had a look and asked me 'You shoot in manual focus ah?'. He sounded as if I'm silly to do so.

It's true I have to be really quick in adjusting the focus but I get better photos more often than not. Well, that's my own experience with my camera. My preference may change in the future, who knows.


Bing said...

I think the photographer was probably surprised because no one shoots in MF these days. You would have paid heaps of money for a modern lens only to use it like a lens made in 1970s.

I suspect you are struggling with getting your focus on the right subject because of the focusing mode on your camera. Are you using centre point focusing or 9 point (or 19 point, depending on which model your camera is) focusing?

If you are using the 9 point focusing (which is the default), change your focusing to SINGLE centre point focusing.

(1) Aim at the subject with that single point at all times, and then recompose where necessary. Or (2) do it the slightly more pro way and move the single point to the subject you want to focus on. If this sounds confusing, ignore (2) for now.

Hope that helps. =)

Email me if I've totally confused you!

Roslyn said...

I was expecting you to comment to this post. Haha!
I totally understand what you are trying to say. I played around with the focusing mode previously but couldn't achieve what I want. Maybe I didn't experiment enough. Thanks for all that! I can always count on you the pro. Unfortunately, it's housework day today and I can't play with the camera. Will email you when I get the chance to. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Roslyn,

I am so amazed! I thought you had the bestest camera in the world when I saw all your posts (travelling, food, everything!). They are so beautifully shot. (granted, I know you like to make them prettier with photoshop, but still..)I own a DSLR for 2 years and I am so embarassed to admit that I can't even get a decent picture with the predefined settings. I really need to read up and start practising more. Just one question, what camera were you using prior?


Roslyn said...

Thanks, K! Photography is about passion and practice too. My husband gets fed-up with me sometimes because I'm always snapping away with my camera. Maybe you're too harsh a critic over your own work? My previous camera was a Canon SX10IS.

Jean said...

Hi Roslyn, I've not visited your blog in a long time. Your photos are beautiful - AF, MF, it doesn't matter as long as you are happy with how your images turn out! :) You make me wish I had not given up my DSLR for a Lumix LX5. I will be visiting your blog more often from now on.

Roslyn said...

Hi Jean! Thanks for dropping by! You can always get a DSLR again to take pictures of your girls. :)